
Highly Precise Measurement and Analysis of a Wide Variety of Surfaces

Toolinspect von Confovis
confovis · Products · TOOLinspect

TOOLinspect - Optical 3D Metrology Tool

In the automotive industry, aerospace industry, research centers and manufacturers of cutting tools, Confovis offers an industrial solution for measuring functional surfaces with the optical 3D metrology tool TOOLinspect.

The combination of patented Confocal Microscopy and Focus Variation makes it possible to measure and analyze a wide variety of surfaces in 3D. The confocal measurement method supports norm-traceable roughness measurements down to the single-digit nanometer range. Focus Variation, on its part, can also measure geometries on steep flanks (e.g. structures produced with lasers).

The TOOLinspect metrology tool is available in different device sizes and can therefore be adapted to a wide variety of measuring tasks. Parts up to 300 mm long and 300 mm high are mounted on a robust and vibration-damped machine frame.

TOOLinspect: Fast and Precise Analysis of Demanding Surfaces

The advantage of the Confovis patented optical measurement method is that real 3D data are generated and thus surface structures are evaluated over a large image section. Machining structures, breakouts, accumulations of droplets, as can occur with coatings, layer defects and many other details are evaluated by planar parameters, in which TOOLinspect brings its strength to bear especially with highly reflecting and very smooth surfaces and also with transparent layers.

The differentiated signal evaluation allows information to be obtained and evaluated at the boundaries of optically transparent layers, which not only permits the measurement of step heights or layer thicknesses but also the detection of surface defects – such as scratches or other defects from the manufacturing process. Manufacturers of cutting tools can, for example, check milling cutters, taps or indexable inserts not only with regard to shape characteristics such as cutting-edge radius and angle, but can also measure roughness traceably to standard. The measurement of steep flanks and angles is carried out using focus variation, the second measurement method integrated in the device.

With the combination of proprietary measuring software from the manufacturer and market-established evaluation software MountainsMap®, the TOOLinspect measuring system is extremely user-friendly and flexible. The Confovis measuring software creates a 3D point cloud, both with focus variation and confocally measured measurement points, which exclusively displays recorded measuring points.The software deliberately does not fill in unmeasured data points or filter them. The measured values are thus available to the user authentically in a coordinate system.

Messung mit dem Messsystem TOOLinspect

TOOLinspect Applications

TOOLinspect Features

Roughness Measurement

Profile-based according to DIN EN ISO 21920 (formerly DIN EN ISO 4287/4288 and 13565), as well as area-based according to DIN EN ISO 25178.

Step Heights

Auch bei transparenten Schichten.

Form and Contour

Angles, heights, widths, radii, target/actual comparisons, etc.

Tribological characteristics

Functional Volume Parameters

In accordance with DIN EN ISO 25178 (e.g., Vmp, Vmc, Vvc, Vvv parameters)

Cutting Edge Measurement

Cutting edge quality, edge rounding radius, form, K-factor, height defects

Texture Direction/Isotropy, Dominating Waviness

Wear of Cutting Tools

Vorteile der Oberflächenanalyse mit TOOLinspect​

TOOLinspect in Use



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